History of flamenco 10
Flamenco with this form of show went around practically all the villages of Spain where some kind of infrastructure to perform was available. The province of Sevilla, with the data of publication year 1950 1, they maintained a large number of seats on offer, not less than now, even though flamenco had lower competence among the entertainment of the moment. In those years, the province of Sevilla had 1.111.344 inhabitants, including the capital with 382.564 inhabitants.
The number of places of exhibition was 153, fundamentally cinemas, with 104.800 seats, of which 48.600 in the capital, and 7.630of them were in places with stage. And 56.200 seats in the province, 17.000 of which were in places with those characteristics ( with stage ). In those infrastructures, 43 were summer cinemas with 39.600b seats, taking into account that there was a certain tradition of doing some flamenco shows in those establishments during the summer.
1, Cuevas Puente, Antonio (dtor ): Anuario Cinematográfico Hispanoamericano. Servicio de Estadística del Sindicato Nacional del Espectáculo. Madrid. 1950.
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